Each user on a computer have the right to access its files and folders.You can control the access to a Windows computer by setting up a password.
There are different types of Windows users, such as Administrator and Standard users. The Administrators have the full rights on a computer and they can install programs or change security settings.
Any user, no matter if is Administrator or a simple standard user, can set a password to protect the access to its personal files and folders.
If you are the unique user of the computer, you have an Administrator account. If you have only one account, you can prevent the access to the entire computer by setting up a password. If someone try to access the computer, the password will be required.
No solution is 100% sure to protect you, but by settings a password for the access is an important and strong step to improve the security.
Windows 7
1 Go to Control Panel
2 Switch to small icons
3 Go to User Accounts
4 Create password
5 Set password
In addition, you can enter a password hint. It should be easy to remember by you, but hard to guess by others. This can be used to recover your password in case you forget it.
6 Test it
Then click on your User name to logon. You should be asked for a password.
Windows 8
1 Go to Control Panel
(for more details about how to go to Control Panel in Windows 8 check this article)
2 Go to User Accounts
3 Sign-in options
4 Add password
5 Set password
Then enter a password hint: it should be easy for you to remember, but hard to guess by others.
Then click Next
6 Test it
Now, a password should be required.
Also, there is available a Picture login option, but is intended for touch screen devices.